2023-24 Draft Integrated Plans
Consultation has now concluded
Council’s draft Integrated Plans for 2023-24 include the draft Operational Plan, draft Revenue Policy, and draft Fees and Charges.
About the documents
Draft Operational Plan - focuses on 2023-24 and includes the projects and activities Council will undertake. Includes a detailed budget and capital works program for the period.
Draft Revenue Policy - outlines what Council proposes to charge for general rates and water, sewer and waste access and consumption fees for 2023-24.
Draft Fees and Charges - covers all the fees and charges Council levies for things like venue hire, sportsgrounds, aquatic centre, development applications and much more. It covers the 2023-24 financial year.
Draft Service Statements 2023-24 - outlines all activities undertaken by Council and how they are funded. These documents are still to be published.
Review of Donations Policy
Council has also reviewed and updated its Donations Policy. The policy describes the various types of assistance that Council will make to eligible organisations each year. This can be in the form of grants, donations, rental rebates, rate relief, non-financial contribution, in-kind donations and sponsorships.
An allocation of $167,500 has been made in the draft 2023-24 budget. You can download the draft policy and have your say here.
Special Rate Variation
Earlier in 2023, Council considered a number of financial sustainability options and resolved to proceed with scenario 2 which includes an 18% special rate variation (SRV) for the next three years. Over the next two years as our rate income increases, further funding will be available to restore asset renewal and maintenance to required levels. You can find more information about the SRV here.
A SRV application was lodged in March 2022 with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). IPART has completed its own additional consultation and is expected to make a determination in early June 2023. The draft 2023-24 Integrated Plans include the 18% SRV.
Pensioner Rebate
In accordance with Section 575(3) (a) of the Local Government Act (1993), Council must provide a rate reduction of 50% of the amount of the rate levy, to a maximum rebate for combined general rate and domestic waste management charges of $250; $87.50 for water charges; and $87.50 for sewerage charges to all eligible pensioner rate payers.
The NSW Government reimburses Council for 55% of the rebate and Council funds the remaining 45%.
In 2010-11, the former Queanbeyan City Council extended this rebate to all eligible pensioners by a further $40, funded entirely by Council which has been in place since then. Following the merger of Queanbeyan City and Palerang Regional Councils there has been an inconsistent treatment of Council support provided to pensioners across the local government area.
For the 2023-24 financial year, it is proposed that the additional $40 rebate be extended to include eligible pensioners residing in the former Palerang Council area. If this is adopted by Council, all QPRC pensioners will receive the voluntary $40 rebate, the estimated cost of which is $23,000 more than 2022-23 totalling $90,000.
The amount granted for pension rebates in 2023-24 is estimated to be $953,000 for the combined Council area with an estimated cost of $466,000.
Documents on exhibition
- Draft Operational Plan 2023-24
- Draft Service Statements 2023-24 (still to be published)
- Draft Revenue Policy 2023-24
- Draft Fees and Charges 2023-24
Have your say
- By completing the survey below by Monday 12 June
- By email to council@qprc.nsw.gov.au referencing "2023 Integrated Plans " in the subject line
- By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Community meetings
- Braidwood, Thursday 11 May – Braidwood Serviceman’s Club Auditorium 6-8pm
- Bungendore, Thursday 16 May – Multipurpose Hall, Bungendore Primary School 6-8pm
- Queanbeyan, Tuesday 18 May – Axis Youth Centre 6-8pm
Registration is required so that we can arrange seating. Register now(External link)