Bungendore Floodplain Risk Management Plan implementation

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Consultation has now concluded

Aerial image of Bungendore

The community's feedback has been considered and a community consultation report has been prepared outlining the feedback and Council's response. It is now available in the document library on the right.

Council engaged NSW Public Works Advisory to undertake site investigations and prepare concept designs to guide the implementation of the Bungendore Floodplain Risk Management implementation plan.

The plan makes recommendations for flood modification measures. The scope of the measures are to:

  • Upgrade the existing Turallo Terrace levee
  • Construct an overflow channel across Tarago Road
  • Remove dense vegetation and re-shape creek where Turallo, Halfway and Millpost Creeks meet

A summary document of the flood mitigation measures, the NSW Public Works Advisory report on the concept designs and a Review of Environmental Factors are now on exhibition for public comment. You can find the documents in the document library on the right. The endorsed Bungendore Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study have also been included in the background information tab on the right.

Feedback received from the community will be collated, assessed and a report prepared for the detailed design phase.

The community's feedback has been considered and a community consultation report has been prepared outlining the feedback and Council's response. It is now available in the document library on the right.

Council engaged NSW Public Works Advisory to undertake site investigations and prepare concept designs to guide the implementation of the Bungendore Floodplain Risk Management implementation plan.

The plan makes recommendations for flood modification measures. The scope of the measures are to:

  • Upgrade the existing Turallo Terrace levee
  • Construct an overflow channel across Tarago Road
  • Remove dense vegetation and re-shape creek where Turallo, Halfway and Millpost Creeks meet

A summary document of the flood mitigation measures, the NSW Public Works Advisory report on the concept designs and a Review of Environmental Factors are now on exhibition for public comment. You can find the documents in the document library on the right. The endorsed Bungendore Floodplain Risk Management Plan and Study have also been included in the background information tab on the right.

Feedback received from the community will be collated, assessed and a report prepared for the detailed design phase.