What is the purpose of the Queanbeyan CBD Transformation Strategy?
The CBD Transformation Strategy is aspirational and provides a framework to guide Council and the community on how to align and develop our plans to guide future development, design and shape the public realm, connect the attractions in the CBD, advance improved pedestrian access and commercial activity. The Strategy provides some desired outcomes and suggested strategies to deliver those outcomes.
What is the focus of the Strategy?
The CBD Transformation Strategy has three strategic focus areas: building and Identity for the CBD, improving Connection to/from and within the CBD and enabling Investment in the CBD. These three pillars provide a focus from which actions and outcomes will be driven.
These is a lot of reference to developing different plans in this Strategy – why?
Proper planning is critical to success. Developing individual plans to deliver strategies and actions allows the proper focus to be given to the objectives in the plan. It also provides the best opportunity to involve the public in detailed consultation and sourcing relevant feedback.
Why are we seeking your feedback?
The CBD Transformation Strategy is a starting point on which to start a discussion on how we can improve our CBD; everything from what our public spaces should look and feel like, how we can make our town centre more pedestrian friendly and more commercially vibrant.