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Consultation has concluded
QPRC’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is due for review. It has been prepared in accordance with the adopted Financial Strategy and Policy that outlines the principles adopted by Council designed to:
achieve financial sustainability
manage the asset backlog to prevent an infrastructure crisis,
preserve essential public services in line with population growth
keep rates, fees and charges affordable
borrow at acceptable levels in line with intergenerational equity and
meet the financial benchmarks outlined in the policy.
The purpose of the LTFP is to inform decision-making and to demonstrate how Council will achieve financial sustainability over the long term. It models the financial outcomes of three scenarios that have been presented to Council at a workshop held in June.
Scenario 3 is the recommended scenario, and includes additional budget improvement activities designed to bring the LTFP back to the Responsible Scenario policy settings, to reflect the intention of the adopted Financial Strategy and Policy.
In adopting the responsible financial scenario - scenario 3, Council will commit to undertaking budget improvement actions, including the previously adopted financial strategies for:
Dividends from water and sewer funds (Queanbeyan) to the General Fund
Reducing operating costs
Increasing revenues
Deferral of revoted expenditure budgets / transfer of reserve funds to unrestricted cash.
Comments can be made:
By submitting a comment in the box below,
by email to with the subject field being "Long Term Financial Plan - 2020-2030"
mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
QPRC’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is due for review. It has been prepared in accordance with the adopted Financial Strategy and Policy that outlines the principles adopted by Council designed to:
achieve financial sustainability
manage the asset backlog to prevent an infrastructure crisis,
preserve essential public services in line with population growth
keep rates, fees and charges affordable
borrow at acceptable levels in line with intergenerational equity and
meet the financial benchmarks outlined in the policy.
The purpose of the LTFP is to inform decision-making and to demonstrate how Council will achieve financial sustainability over the long term. It models the financial outcomes of three scenarios that have been presented to Council at a workshop held in June.
Scenario 3 is the recommended scenario, and includes additional budget improvement activities designed to bring the LTFP back to the Responsible Scenario policy settings, to reflect the intention of the adopted Financial Strategy and Policy.
In adopting the responsible financial scenario - scenario 3, Council will commit to undertaking budget improvement actions, including the previously adopted financial strategies for:
Dividends from water and sewer funds (Queanbeyan) to the General Fund
Reducing operating costs
Increasing revenues
Deferral of revoted expenditure budgets / transfer of reserve funds to unrestricted cash.
Comments can be made:
By submitting a comment in the box below,
by email to with the subject field being "Long Term Financial Plan - 2020-2030"