Queanbeyan Showground Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan
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Consultation has concluded
As part of the development of a new pavilion at the Queanbeyan Showground, a Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan for the Showground has been developed. The plan has been developed in consultation with the local First Nations communities. It is to promote understanding and awareness of the cultural heritage values of the site.
The Plan is intended to “recognise and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage” within the Showground, while also allowing community activities and events to continue.
The Plan suggests various methods of interpreting cultural and historically significant stories and includes suggested locations for installation across the Showground. The options discussed in the Plan include:
“Welcome to Country” panels at each entry gate
History Wall
Honour Wall
Yarning Circle
Art Trail Message Sticks
This Plan is unconnected to the recent “Aboriginal Place” nomination for the Showground. That is an unrelated process which will proceed independently of the Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan.
Have your say
By completing the survey below by Tuesday 31 January 2023
By email to council@qprc.nsw.gov.au referencing "Queanbeyan Showground Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan" in the subject line
By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
As part of the development of a new pavilion at the Queanbeyan Showground, a Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan for the Showground has been developed. The plan has been developed in consultation with the local First Nations communities. It is to promote understanding and awareness of the cultural heritage values of the site.
The Plan is intended to “recognise and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage” within the Showground, while also allowing community activities and events to continue.
The Plan suggests various methods of interpreting cultural and historically significant stories and includes suggested locations for installation across the Showground. The options discussed in the Plan include:
“Welcome to Country” panels at each entry gate
History Wall
Honour Wall
Yarning Circle
Art Trail Message Sticks
This Plan is unconnected to the recent “Aboriginal Place” nomination for the Showground. That is an unrelated process which will proceed independently of the Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan.
Have your say
By completing the survey below by Tuesday 31 January 2023
By email to council@qprc.nsw.gov.au referencing "Queanbeyan Showground Cultural and Heritage Interpretation Plan" in the subject line