January 2024 update
Council received grant funding of $418,235 in December 2022 to construct a pump track in Jerrabomberra.
In May 2023 a notification was delivered to nearby residents advising that the proposed pump track was to be constructed at Jerrabomberra Creek Park.
Council received feedback from the community about the proposed location at Jerrabomberra Creek Park.
At the 9 August meeting Council awarded the tender to construct the pump track and resolved to undertake community engagement to finalise a preferred location and report back to Council.
During August 2023 we held a community workshop to discuss the location and the design for the pump track. An online and paper survey were also available.
At the Council meeting on 25 October 2023, Council approved a recommendation about the location of the pump track to adopt Jerrabomberra Creek Park, on Waterfall Drive, as the location for the construction of the pump track.
The report in the business paper to the 25 October meeting included an engagement report which includes the submissions made during the consultation period. You can download these reports from the document list to the right of this page.
At the 25 January 2024 meeting, Council rescinded the decision to locate the pump track at Jerrabomberra Creek Park and resolved to undertake further investigation and community consultation on all possible locations within Jerrabomberra.