Proposed Memorial Garden
Consultation has concluded

We want to hear your feedback on the Memorial Garden (cemetery) Concept Design.
We have been planning a replacement for the Queanbeyan General Cemetery since 2009. In 2017 we purchased a site at the corner of Old Cooma Road and Burra Road.
Initial community consultation began in 2018, and in 2020 we received a lot of feedback from the community as we exhibited a series of in-depth reports, assessments and studies on the characteristics of the site as part of the planning proposal to rezone the site.
The concept design has been developed in response to these reports and feedback from the community. We are now asking the community for feedback on this plan, including how we can make sure that the garden is a welcoming space for people from all backgrounds. You can find the concept design in the document library, along with a fact sheet and some Questions and Answers.
Memorial gardens are spaces that include burials, ash interment and opportunities for quiet passive recreation. The design includes spaces for families to meet, reflect and commemorate their loved ones as well as amenities and function spaces for services to occur.
Why do we need a new cemetery? Residents of Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra and Googong currently use the Queanbeyan General Cemetery on Lanyon Dr, Queanbeyan for burial and ash interment. This cemetery is very close to capacity and the sale of pre-purchase Right of Interments has been paused to ensure that local residents who need immediate burial options are prioritised. The planning and proposed construction of the Memorial Garden is funded through a low-interest loan which will be repaid from revenue collected from the operation of the site.
Workshop details
As part of the public consultation, we are holding community drop-in sessions at
- The Googong Sales Office (5 Glenrock Dr) 5:30-7:30pm Thursday 12 October Register to attend here.
- Googong Community Centre (Cnr Gorman Dr and McPhail Way) 1-3pm Wednesday 18 October Register to attend here.
- Burra Hall (1 Lagoon Road) 5-7pm Thursday 2 November.
We will also be holding pop-up information stalls for you to find out more at:
- Jerrabomberra Village Shopping Centre, 12-2pm on 13 October
- Riverside Plaza, 10am-12pm on 18 October
As well as an online community information session from 12pm on 25 October Register to attend here.
Previous consultation
You can find previous consultation and the documents associated with the planning proposal for this site here.
Have your say
Comments are open until 10 November. You can provide feedback by:
- Completing the survey below
- Email to link) referencing Memorial Garden in the subject line
- By mail to PO Box 90, Queanbeyan NSW 2620