- Completing the online questionnaire or other tools on the Your Voice page.
- Completing hard copies of the survey that are available at Council offices
- Participating in random street surveys
- Sending us some feedback to council.
What is Council engaging about?
Council is currently undertaking a number of projects that require community input and engagement. Instead of undertaking four separate engagement activities, Council has engaged consultations Cultural Capital to undertake the Our Future - Make it Yours Project.
We will be engaging on four major themes:
Community Strategic Plan - what aspirations and goals does the community have for Queanbeyan-Palerang over the next 10 years
Services Review - gaining an understanding of the community's needs and expectations regarding Council services
Queanbeyan-Palerang Economic Development Strategy - how will Council work with the business community and community in general to drive economic growth in our region
Queanbeyan CBD Masterplan renewal - Eight years after its adoption, it's time to review and renew the CBD Masterplan. We want feedback on what we have already done and what we can do next to improve Queanbeyan's CBD public realm.
How can I have my say?