Overlooked Bounty

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What's growing in your street? The Overlooked Bounty is a collaborative mapping project developed by Council, providing foragers with the tools to track down free and nutritious food.

This interactive community resource will highlight fruit trees and other edible plants in public spaces in our region that can be harvested, eaten and shared.

With your contribution we hope to steadily build a map that will guide people towards free food and connect our community with the growing abundance around us.

Do you know of any fruit trees or edible plants in public spaces? Please let us know so we can build this resource together.

What's growing in your street? The Overlooked Bounty is a collaborative mapping project developed by Council, providing foragers with the tools to track down free and nutritious food.

This interactive community resource will highlight fruit trees and other edible plants in public spaces in our region that can be harvested, eaten and shared.

With your contribution we hope to steadily build a map that will guide people towards free food and connect our community with the growing abundance around us.

Do you know of any fruit trees or edible plants in public spaces? Please let us know so we can build this resource together.

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Overlooked Bounty Edible Food Map

over 7 years

Do you know of any fruit trees or edible plants in public spaces? Please let us know so we can build this resource together. Drop a pin onto the map below and we will verify and include on our interactive Google map. If you are foraging for food, please be aware that death cap mushrooms (Amanita phalloides) grow in some parts of the Local Government Area. These should not be consumed as they can be fatal (link to info from ACT Health http://www.health.act.gov.au/datapublications/fact-sheets/environmental-health).


The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council provides this food map as a means to encourage residents to forage and source freely available food options. 

The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results associated with the map. All information is provided “as is” at the time of production , with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the results obtained from the use of the map information. Users of the map do so at their own risk.

The Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council accepts no responsibility or consequence for the consumption of foraged food and users of the food map collect and use this wild grown food identified on the map at their own risk. It is recommended and encouraged that any food obtained should be washed and prepared in accordance with accepted community standards prior to consumption.

Page published: 11 Sep 2017, 09:48 AM